The Value of Meeting In Person

The Value of Meeting In Person

A couple of weeks ago, Kristi and Trey sat down with me on our Between Two Tablets podcast to discuss The Value of In-Person Relationships. I asked them about the benefits of meeting customers in person versus over the phone. They had some valuable information to...
A Healthy Dose of Positivity

A Healthy Dose of Positivity

Let’s face it. These days, we could all use a healthy dose of positivity in at least one aspect of our lives. I figured it’d be nice just to share some things that are guaranteed to keep things in perspective. To help you LIVE your life rather than just doing the...
Graphics Card Shortage

Graphics Card Shortage

Try Again Tomorrow It’s 8am outside of the local Micro Center and I have found my people. A group of fellow computer enthusiasts with a frustrated look on their face sit in line just in front of me. The root of their frustration? Being able to acquire a decent...
Apple Product Launch

Apple Product Launch

“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance…” -Steve Jobs     You might think with how easily we come to love new Apple products that they couldn’t have...
The Art of The Pivot

The Art of The Pivot

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often” – Winston Churchill       Curveballs Life throws us curveballs at the most unexpected times. This truth has been experienced by the vast majority of us. How we react and how quickly we react...
Organizational Hacks

Organizational Hacks

Is your organization, or lack thereof, holding back your company’s fullest potential? We’re sharing all of our secret organizational hacks (not so secret now) that you can use in the workplace or at home to boost your productivity. I must mention before we get into...