Let’s face it. These days, we could all use a healthy dose of positivity in at least one aspect of our lives. I figured it’d be nice just to share some things that are guaranteed to keep things in perspective. To help you LIVE your life rather than just doing the day-to-day same ol’ vanilla routine. Things that help time fly by because you’re engaged and enjoying your life. Not flying by because you don’t know where time went because you scrolled endlessly on your phone or binged too many episodes of Schitt’s Creek. Okay, in all honesty, I’ll let that last one slide because that show is every bit worth binging. Can I get an ‘AMEN’?!Anyways, you get the point. In a world full of Negative Nancys, let’s be Positive Pattys together and enjoy this life for every bit that it’s worth!
So, without further ado, here’s a list of things guaranteed to lift your spirits:
Lest we forget the medicine of music! This one is so easy to forget. How many times do you flip through the same radio stations waiting to hear a song that will just ‘do’ for now? I’ve been guilty of this many-a-time.
Putting on songs or an artist to listen to intentionally with the sole purpose of listening is an entirely different experience. Dare I say it and maybe it’s a little extreme, but I think branching out to different genres can set you up to experience life in a whole different way.
I mainly listen to country but I appreciate all kinds of music. When I feel like I want a change of pace, I will turn on a jazz playlist with Frank Sinatra, maybe a salsa playlist with Marc Anthony, or a throwback with NSYNC. Music can truly make time fly by while having a good time, so switch it up every now and then!
Listening to a good podcast… not much else can beat a good podcast. For starters, you can check out our Between Two Tablets podcast (duh!)! You can also check out some others that might be the push you need to be your best like The Ed Mylett Show, or ‘connect to the deeper world around you’ with Oprah’s Super Soul, delve into a history lesson with Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History as recommended by our very own Trey Flick, or ‘take control of your life and money’ with Dave Ramsey on The Ramsey Show.
When you’re not binging Schitt’s Creek, you’ll likely find a good podcast just as enjoyable.
Change Your Routine
This is simple. We can easily get sucked into the same ol’ vanilla routine like I mentioned earlier. If you feel like your life is lacking a little zing, spice it up by changing your routine! We recently made a post about an article that shares healthy changes you can make in your typical routine. #5 is our fav.
Go On a Walk
Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, going on a walk is enjoyable any time of day. Even in the rain. It’s been rainy lately here in Kansas and if there’s anything I love, it’s to remind myself that I’m not the Wicked Witch of the West so I won’t melt in the rain. I actually come alive in it. Enjoy it and ‘soak it up’ for all it’s worth. When the sun comes out, you’re guaranteed to enjoy it all that much more!
Start a Side-Hustle
Flipping furniture. A little something I’m dabbling in lately. My sister is teaching me the ropes about finding that diamond in the rough, correcting small blemishes, and turning around and making a PROFIT on it. A recent flip we did was on kitchen chairs. We purchased five of these chairs for $20 at a garage sale, shined them up with some polish and added a little bit of wood glue to the back of one of the chairs ($6). Listed them as a set of four and literally less than 2 hours later, they sold for $140. Now, that’s what I’m talkin’ about!
Reference Bonny’s blog about Retail Rebel to learn about smaller and even easier flips!
Cook A New Recipe
Talk about adding spice to your life. Learning a new recipe is extremely refreshing AND rewarding at the same time. We eat about 21 meals a week, I think we could all stand for something a little different than the usual turkey wrap or chicken and vegetables. Change it up!!
I’ve been finding some delicious and easy recipes on The Modern Proper. Check out this list they compiled – 60 Best Easy Dinners | The Modern Proper for some easy go-to meals.
Whichever of these you choose to do. Be there. Be all there. Really listen to the music, really listen to the podcast, change your dull routine, feel the rain on your face, make a little extra spending money (or a lot), treat yourself and your friends/family to a nice meal. Even if it doesn’t turn out like the picture perfect examples, indulge yourself with the experience! Just no matter what, be all there!
Until next time,
Monica, Account Manager
Check out our latest blogs– Managers vs Leaders, Father’s Day Gift Ideas, and Lend a Helping Hand!