20/21 Vision


Dec 30, 2020

Let’s be honest, I think we can all agree that we’re ready for 2020 to be over. But for us, it wasn’t all bad. Sure, I could talk to you about the professional milestones we were able to achieve through this pandemic, but I’m not going to. No, instead I’m going to talk about the lessons we REALLY learned in 2020. 



Resiliency matters. rock climbing resillience


Hell, it might be the single-most important quality an individual can possess these days. 


Whether you’re talking about front-line healthcare workers, teachers, parents, students, small business owners or one of several other essential roles, they stepped up. WE stepped up. We could have sat around and complained about the circumstances and felt sorry for ourselves, but no. We rolled up our sleeves and got to work. From school districts switching to virtual learning environments in a matter of weeks to companies allowing employees to work from home, everyone made the necessary adjustments to play the cards dealt. 



Surprisingly, this pandemic seems to have had a positive boost to employee and student morale as well. Taking the blind leap and allowing employees to work from home and students to learn virtually was a BIG step forward in strengthening relationships between companies and their employees and teachers and their students. It built and strengthened trust. Trust that adults can be adults, students can be students, and that when people are trusted they just might surprise you. Employers are getting a chance to learn who their employees are. From children running around in the background of a Zoom meeting to Billy finally getting the courage to grow a beard. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when people feel that they can be themselves in their work or learning environments, they are capable of exceptional things. 




Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m as ready to put 2020 in the rearview mirror as the rest of you. But, I’ll always remember the invaluable lessons I learned this year. Invest in each other. We are capable of amazing things. Especially when we work together. And when times get tough, remember one thing….


Resiliency matters. 


Wishing you all a safe and happy holidays – see you on the other side!



– Ben 


Author: Ben Guertin, Managing Partner




Check out our latest blogs on spreading a little joy, Blue Valley School District, and tips for working from home.