by npaperi5786 | Sep 1, 2021 | All Blogs, Community
September is among us, folks. Not to jump the gun here or anything but another year is *almost* over. Can you believe it’s already SEPTEMBER??! I’m still mentally stuck back in December of 2019 before the world took a turn in every facet of life. But I...
by npaperi5786 | Aug 25, 2021 | All Blogs, Community
“If you let the outside world control you, you’re toast.” – Bob Proctor You Control You I watched a video that Lewis Howes shared of a conversation he had with Bob Proctor about personal growth. In the video, Bob opened up with that line...
by npaperi5786 | Aug 18, 2021 | Uncategorized
Based on the statistics we shared during our recent episode on Between Two Tablets about E-Waste, you likely have a device (or two) sitting in a drawer that never gets used. While you have options to either donate or trade your device in for cash through places like...
by npaperi5786 | Aug 11, 2021 | All Blogs, TCS Culture
A couple of weeks ago, Kristi and Trey sat down with me on our Between Two Tablets podcast to discuss The Value of In-Person Relationships. I asked them about the benefits of meeting customers in person versus over the phone. They had some valuable information to...
by npaperi5786 | Aug 4, 2021 | Uncategorized
In today’s world, consumers have become irreversibly dependent on electronic devices. The magic of having the latest tool that can entertain, provide information, and power your work life can be overwhelming. We see new models of cellphone, gaming, and...