Micro-Soldering: An Interview with a Certified Technician

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Jul 18, 2019

Please meet our very own Chandler Hight, a board-level certified technician and, well, a self-proclaimed micro-soldering guru. We thought it would be cool to sit down with Chandler and talk with him about the world of micro-soldering and why it’s such a great thing.


First of all, what is micro-soldering?


Micro soldering is the soldering of things so small you can only see them with a microscope. These tiny, unseen components are what make your device work and even one bad or broken component can make your device stop working.


How did you get into micro-soldering?


I got tired of spending extra money to replace boards or paying someone else to fix them for us. I started by tinkering around on broken stuff and just went from there. I figured if the device was already broken, I wasn’t going to make it much worse. By trying things out, I’d at least learn and maybe even fix it in the process. 


Tell us more about the certification process? What did you have to do to get certified?


I’m not sure if there is official,device micro-soldering certification yet, but I have received specialized training. I recently attended a multi-day training session from some leaders in the industry and it taught me a lot. I had a good knowledge base going in to it, but the things I learned some specific techniques that really made me better. For me, the actual micro-soldering is the easy part. It’s diagnostics and deciding what needs to be replaced that is the hard part.


OK, so in the device repair world, why does micro-soldering matter to the school systems and companies you work with?


Well, there are 4 main ways micro-soldering can help: 

  1. Cut cost by fixing boards instead of replacing them.

       2. Reduces e-waste by fixing things instead of throwing away the devices.

       3. Recover important data and information from a damaged device that could be crucial to your business operation, especially if it wasn’t backed up.

       4. Micro-soldering can sometimes result in a quicker turnaround time vs. having to wait days for a specific part.


Finally, why is micro-soldering spelled the way it is? Shouldn’t it just be spelled S-O-D-D-E-R-I-N-G? What’s up with that?


Geez, whatever. I just do the repairs. Go ask Webster or somebody (laughs).