Volunteering – it’s good for the soul.
Plain and simple.
On last week’s episode of Between Two Tablets, I spoke briefly about volunteering and I encouraged our listeners to make it a #goal to volunteer within 14 days. There’s a reason for that! We’ll get to that later.
But anyways, this week, I went around the office and asked some of our employees if they had any cool volunteer ideas or stories they’d like to share. While some of them gave me a blank stare and others looked up at the ceiling sorting through their memories to maybe remember that one time they volunteered for that one thing, some others had some really neat experiences volunteering! They know what I mean when I say volunteering is good for the soul.
Spending my Saturday morning volunteering? No thanks…
It’s understandable, no one reeeally wants to wake up on their Saturday morning after a long week and go volunteer their time and energy for nothing in return– I get it. But, let me tell you, there’s something in it that you won’t understand until you do it. Being around others with the same purpose of being there- spending their time and energy helping/building/restoring for the sole purpose of helping others is truly an enriching experience. Yeah, there’s the typical picking up trash on the side of the highway activity, which we are ALL grateful for, but there are a lot of other more interesting and rewarding experiences worth checking out.
Trust me.
I remember as a kid who grew up in 4-H and eventually who joined the Air Force, I found myself always volunteering for something. In the Air Force, I was often being voluntold to do something– #ifyouknowyouknow, but the main point is, I was always doing SOMETHING. It often felt like a burden to give up time I could’ve spent doing something else… anything else… but, after I had finished the activity/event, I usually found myself walking a little taller, smiling a little wider, and feeling really good about what I’d done because I knew I’d made a difference in someone’s world that day. It’s truly something you’ve got to do in order to know how it feels.
Trust me when I say there are some really cool opportunities out there that are worth getting up on a Saturday morning for because either A., they’re just that fun, or B., you will feel like a way better person than you ever thought you could.
Here Are Some Ideas:
-Participated in a #worldrecord for the largest group of people who contributed to feeding a third world country. He said everyone gathered in a stadium and lined up to do their part. How cool is that?!
-Handed out water bottles at the NYC Marathon
-Walked in a Breast Cancer Awareness walk and also a Domestic Violence Awareness walk
-Painted houses
-Cleaned up yards
-Washed windows
-Handed out flowers to people for National Kindness Day
-Performed a river clean-up
-Walked in Alzheimer’s Association annual walks
-Visited nursing homes
-Fed women and children living in a shelter for the abused
-Delivered Meals on Wheels to elders in the neighborhood
-Planted trees on an Indian Reservation
-Played with PUPPIES at a local center where they train them to be service animals!
-Warrior Dash obstacle course monitor (we even got to run through it for free afterward!)
-Prepared food at a food bank
I hope this list helped to provide some great options that you can try out in your local community. The options are truly endless as to where you can volunteer. Like I said, it’s so worth it and it is so good for your soul!
Share Your Experience!
I want to hear about your #experience volunteering or what you recommend! Share them by commenting on this blog’s post on our LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook!
Until next time,
Monica, Account Manager
Check out our latest blogs– Choosing the Right Case (iPad), A Healthy Dose of Positivity, and Managers vs Leaders!